My Name is: Woman

My Name is: Woman

My Name Is Woman written and performed by Violetta Lazin   Beloved by audiences throughout the Netherlands, My Name Is Woman fits perfectly into the Music-Theatre genre. A leading lady and one man orchestra are at the heart of this unique theatrical experience...
Elaine Stritch: Simplicity, Intimacy, Inspiration!

Elaine Stritch: Simplicity, Intimacy, Inspiration!

Elaine Stritch: Simplicity, Intimacy, Inspiration!  I came across the name Elaine Stritch on the DVD My Favorite Broadway Leading Ladies. She sang one song, Ladies Who Lunch by Stephen Sondheim, and I was SOLD! My search for inspirational music led quickly back to...
My Name Is Woman: The Beginning

My Name Is Woman: The Beginning

The Beginning My Name Is Woman began as My Simple Serbian Soul, part of my Master’s degree final exam program. Having produced an entire opera for my final Bachelor’s degree exam, and an initial Master’s degree program that included three additional...